Instructions for contributing authors

Journal Retrospektive is an interdisciplinary journal covering topics in the fields of humanities and social sciences. Contributions covering the period from the mid-18 th Century to the present are welcome; thematically we welcome papers on topics of relations, contacts, connections, mergers and distancineg of various peoples, nations, ideas, movements, and policies. There are no limits as to the geographical areas of the research.

Authors who which to submit their contributions to peer-review can do so via form on the journal’s website. Papers must be submitted in accordance with the instructions below.

The authors submitting a scientific paper state that the paper has not been published in another publication and that it is not currently in the process of peer-review in another publication. Upon acceptance of the paper for publication, the author will be asked to copy certain copyrights (subject to certain conditions) to the publisher of the Journal Retrospektive, the Retrospektive Association. The paper cannot be published unless the author submits a copyright submission form.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions regarding any reproduction of non-proprietary material. They are also required to quote the ownership and sources used in the text.

Authors must adhere to stylistic rules when submitting papers. In case the author did not adhere to the rules, the paper will be returned to the author for correction before being submitted to the peer- review.

Contributions in the rhematic sections of the Discussion and New Technologies in humanities and social sciences should have up to 30.000 characters; contributions in the thematic section Historical Documentation should have up to 20.000 characters. Reviews and reports should not exceed 8000 characters.

The journal publishes papers in Slovene and English. The authors are responsible for proofreading and translation of the titles, extracts, abstracts, and keywords.

All papers, including those commissioned by the editorial board, will be subjected to an anonymous peer review process and language review.

Authors whose first language is neither Slovene or English are asked to submit their texts for proofreading.

Each paper should contain:

  1. Title of the paper;
  2. Proposal of a thematic set where the paper should be published in (Dicussions, New
    Technologies, Historical Documentation, Reviews and Reports);
  3. First and last name of the author;
  4. Professional titile of the author;
  5. Author’s full postal address with the name of the institution (example: Department of
    History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva cesta 2, SI–1000 Ljubljana,
  6. E-mail address of the author;
  7. A one-paragraph extract (up to 800 characters) in Slovene and English;
  8. Keywords (up to 8 keywords);
  9. Main text;
  10. Abstract;
  11. At least three images; graphs, spreadsheets, and illustrations should be added in a separate
    zip folder entitled “additional material”.

Each Review and Report on an event must also contain:

  1. When reviewing publication, the following information must be given following the title of
    the paper: place and name of the publisher, year of the publication, number of pages. If
    necessary, the number of photos, maps, pictures, spreadsheets and other similar items. It is
    also mandatory to include ISBN or ISSN numbers.
  2. For reports on events, the following information must be given following the title of the
    paper: place, country and date.
  3. Papers commemorating anniversaries or obituaries must contain a digital photograph with
    adequate resolution of the people or events.

Text formatting:

  • Font: Times New Roman;
  • Size: 12 in main text, 10 in footnotes;
  • Line spacing: 1,5;
  • Alignment: justified;
  • Page numbering: bottom of the page, center;
  • Source citations: footnotes, 1,5 spacing, Arabic numerals.


Foreign words of phrases are indicated in italics, with the exception of standardized phrases: e.g. status quo, vis-à-vis, modus operandi, etc. The italicized font also records book titles, journals, and other publications, as well as names of such items as ships. The names of foreign institutions or political parties are not written in italics.

Italic text is also used when citing texts of other authors or documents.


For literal references follow the original notation. Use the “” characters to indicate literal references. The characters ‘’are used for a literal reference within literal reference. Verbatim statements of more than 50 words must be separated from the rest of the text and must be indented to the left. This indicates that the verbatim is separate unite of the text. Literal references of the sources in another language must be translated within the main text. The original is included in a footnote (when absolutely necessary).


The author should pay attention to the moderate use of foreign words and, when possible, replace them with English words.


The numbers between 1 through 10 are referenced with words. For higher numbers Arabic numerals must be used. The exceptions are the numbers that appear at the beginning of the sentence. That is when numbers written in full should be used (Twenty-one soldiers took part in the battle …). In a text, where numerical data does not appear, it is generally better to write non-complex numbers with words to ensure the fluidity of reading. For example: one hundred years.

For numbers larger than 9999, dots are used to separate millions and thousands (for example 12.535 or 1.312.500).

Numbers in closely related phrases should either be written by word or by number (eight-year-old or 8-year-old). However, on or the other version needs to be used throughout the text.

Fractions within the text must be written as words (three quarters), as well as percentages (10 percent) and degrees (15 degrees Celsius).


Names of the months are written with words (December 7, 1941), both in the text and in the footnotes.


When first mentioning a person, the full name should be given. After only the surname or the nickname can be used.


Military ranks should be quoted in full, not abbreviated.


Spreadsheets and image attachments must be submitted in a separate file. Such material must be numbered in the correct order with Arabic numerals in an order it should appear within the published text. There must be an indication as accurate as possible to mark the position of the image.

All spreadsheets in the paper must be numbered by hand, since the use of an automatic marking and numbering is not allowed. There must be a colon between the number and the title of the spreadsheet. The title ends with a full stop (for example: Table 1: Number of employees at litorstroj in 1966.).

Spreadsheets should have only the basic formatting, without shading, with single borders, and without the shortening of the text. Spreadsheets should not be too large or have a maximum of one page. Do not use capital letters in spreadsheets unless required by the spelling (for example, spelling of the names of places and people).

All images (photos, maps, charts, etc.) in the paper must be numbered and must be equipped with captions. Auto-tagging and numbering are also not allowed here. There is a colon between the number and the caption. The caption ends with a full stop (for example: Figure 1: New Year’s Eve party in Litostroj in 1966.).

Images should be as high resolution as possible.

Map should be without titles, because it will be included in the caption. Font Times New Roman, size 8 should be used for the map legend and size 6 for the colophon. In the order from top to bottom, the colophon must include: scale (graphic only), author of the content, cartographer, source, and the institution or the holder of the copyright. You can use the templates of the Geografski vestnik website at when creating maps. Use CMYK not RGB or other formats when selecting and defining colors of the image attachments.

Images (photos, maps, charts, diagrams, etc.) should be submitted in .jpeg, .tif and .xls format.

The authors are permitted to use the copyrighted material, but the author must provide the editorial board with the permission of the copyright holder for publication.

It is desirable to include black and white graphic material, as long as it does not destroy the integrity and clarity of the presentation (e.g. maps and charts). If the material cannot be prepared in black and white, it is also permissible to use color.

Authors must submit photographs in a 300 pixel digital format, preferably in .tif, .jpeg or .eps format. Images showing the computer screen must be in best possible screen resolution. The image is simply made by pressing the Print Screen key and then by pasting it into a selected graphics software (such as Painter, Paint, etc.) and saving it in .tif format. The image must not be enlarged, reduced or resized. Optionally, you can also use the appropriate screen capture software and save the image in .tif format.

For non-copyrighted image attachments, the author mus obtain permission from the copyright owner for publication. All images should be referenced to in a separate footnote, that should be added at the end of each caption. The reference should include the source and author of the image as stated in the Bibliography at the end of the paper. The text should include only information about the image and, if necessary, the name and surname of the author of the image. The image itself should be sent to the editorial board in a separate folder.


Acknowledgments should be given in the first footnote.

References must be written in full when referencing a bibliographic item for the first time. Subsequently, the same reference must be abbreviated. The first citation of a book must also indicate the place of the publication, the publisher and the year of the publication. The first citation of a paper must indicate the volume, number and the year of the referenced issue of the journal. The reference to archival sources must include the name of the archive, the collection number, the collection title and the number of the technical unit containing the document. Here are some examples:


Popescu, Gabriel. Bordering and Ordering the Twenty-first Century. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, inc., 2012, 39. (Continued: Popescu, Bordering and Ordering, 40).

Book chapters

Mitter, Rana. “Imperialism, Transnationalism, and the Reconstruction of Post-war China: UNRRA in China, 1944–7, ed. Matthew Hilton and Ranna Mitter, 51–69. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 52. (Continued: Mitter, “Imperialism, Transnationalism,”, 55).

Academic Journals

Lukanc, Maja. “Voluntary Work, Volunteering and Voluntary Associations in Southeastern Europe, 1980–2000.” Retrospektive, 1/1 (2018), 140–149. (Continued: Lukanc, “Voluntary Work”, 145.).

Newspaper Articles

Repe, Božo. »Svarilo morilcem prihodnosti, da nikoli ne bodo mirni: brezkompromisni lovec na vojne zločince: Simon Wiesenthal.« Dnevnik, 24. september 2005, 37. (Continued: Repe, »Svarilo morilcem«, 37.).

If the newspaper article does not include the author, we omit it.

Archival Documents

SI AS (Archives of the Republic of Slovenia), 307, Land Court of Ljubljana, box XXV, folder 158, Strafsache gegen Maria Eržen, June 27, 1915. (Continued: SI AS 307, box XXV, folder 158, Strafsache gegen Maria Eržen, June 27, 1915.).

Different archives and different holdings require different references, but generally it is necessary to indicate the abbreviation of the archival institutions, the collection number, the name of the collection, the technical unit number (box or folder), the description of the document as appropriate and the date, if any is given.

Unpublished material

Ferenc, Mitja. »Nemško jezikovno območje na Kočevskem po odselitvi kočevskih Nemcev: 1942- 1956.« Doctoral disseratation, Faculty of Arts University of Ljubljana, 1998, 255. (Continued: Ferenc, »Nemško«, 101.).

Mikša, Peter. »Jugoslovanstvo zapisano v spominskih obeležjih in poimenovanjih po Sloveniji.« Presentation at the Academic Symposium »Slovenski kraji spomina: pojmi, teze in perspektive raziskovanja« at the Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia, Ljubljana, MAy 2016. (Continued: Mikša, »Jugoslovanstvo«.).


World War II: Documents. (access: june 2017). (Continued: World War II: Documents.).

Morris, Siobhan. “Between Fact and Fiction: Refugee Narratives in Children’s Literature”: childrens-literature/ (access: june 2017). (Continued: Morris, “Fact and Fiction”.).


All questions addressed to the author by the editorial board must be answered within one week of receiving the message. Should the message go unanswered, the editorial board may decide not to publish the paper.


The author must submit the last corrections within seven days of receipt in electronic form.


Each author is given a copy of the journal issue. Separates are not printed and are not available.


Journal Retrospektive has a policy of Open Access. In such a way, academic findings are available to the general public at any time. All papers will be available on the Journal Retrospektive website:


All questions and dilemmas can be addressed with a message to the editorial board via the contact form or with e-mail to