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So far Retrospektive-journal has created 19 blog entries.

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V tokratni izdaji lahko preberete šest raznolikih zgodovinskih razprav: “Nogomet skozi Zasavski tednik (1948–1964)” (Žiga Blaj), “Stalag XVIII D (306) – nacistično taborišče za sovjetske vojne ujetnike v Mariboru” (Lara Iva Dreu), “Dan in štafeta mladosti od Titove smrti do ukinitve (1980–1987)” (Monika Kastelic), Prihod in namestitev ruskih emigrantov v Kraljevino SHS v arhivskih in [...]

Izšla je nova številka znanstvene revije Retrospektive2020-11-17T17:49:50+01:00

Call for Papers: Who Creates History: Individuals or Crowds? The Breaking Point Years of “Eights”

Numerology or the question of whether there is a kind of “cosmic order” behind major turning points in history is not usually on the minds of historians. At the same time, the historians are not particularly useful for predicting future events based on the analysis of recurrent past crises. Nevertheless, we find that some years [...]

Call for Papers: Who Creates History: Individuals or Crowds? The Breaking Point Years of “Eights”2018-02-21T22:54:24+01:00
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